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Online Whiteboard Templates

On this page you will find an overview of all the templates that are available to you in Collaboard.

  • Over 150 templates

  • Numerous community templates

  • Create your own templates that you can reuse at any time.

Meetings and Workshops

Turn your meetings and workshops into interactive experiences. Use our templates for a structured approach.

See all templates

Icebreaker and Warm-Up Games

The Icebreaker and Warm-Up Games templates offer you an interactive and creative way to improve group dynamics, promote teamwork and create a positive working atmosphere.

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With the templates for brainstorming, you promote creative thinking in the team and can develop innovative solutions using structured brainstorming sessions.

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Agile working

The templates for agile working make it easier for your team to implement agile methods. Use customizable templates for Srcum and Kanban boards. You will also find templates for retrospectives.

See all templates


Use the diagram templates in Collaboard to create mind maps, process flows and organizational charts. You will find templates that make it easier for you to visualize relationships.

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Strategy and planning

With our templates for strategy creation and planning activities, you can visualize long-term goals and develop and implement strategies.

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Templates for innovation in Collaboard support you in structuring creative processes, identifying innovation potential and developing and implementing the best new ideas.

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Collaboard offers you ready-made drawings that you can add and customize on the whiteboard. This makes your board look much more personal and flip-chart like.

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Community templates

Discover the templates from the Collaboard Community. If you also have cool templates that you would like to share with others, please contact alice@collaboard.app.

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Collaboard Onboarding

A description of the resource being shared. Just a couple of sentences should be just right.

See all templates

Meeting and  Workshop Template

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis visualizes the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organization or an organization.

See Template

Meeting Protocol

Use this template to create minutes for your next meeting on the whiteboard.

See Template

Break-Out Group

Divide your participants into break-out groups so that each group can work on a task individually.

See Template

5-Why Method

The 5 Why method is a technique for root cause analysis that identifies the root cause of a problem by asking "Why?" several times.

See Template

Eisenhower Principle

The Eisenhower Matrix is a tried-and-tested tool for prioritizing tasks. It helps you to organize tasks according to urgency and importance.

See Template

Six Thinking Hats

The "Six Thinking Hats" method is a thinking tool developed by Edward de Bono. It aims to simplify and improve thinking by adopting six different perspectives.

See Template

Ishikawa Diagram

An Ishikawa diagram, also known as a fishbone diagram, visualizes the causes of a specific problem or event.

See Template

Priority Matrix

This tool helps determine the order in which projects should be completed, considering various factors.

See Template

Johari Window

The Johari window shows the differences between how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves.

See Template

5 Finger Feedback

5 finger feedback is an innovative method that assigns a specific feedback role to each finger. Criticism and praise are thus communicated in a clearly structured and comprehensible manner.

See Template

Workshop Day

Use this template with your team to evaluate your workshop day.

See Template

The Feedback Tree

The feedback tree refers to a method or process for handling feedback, often visualized as a decision tree. It helps individuals categorize feedback as either accurate or inaccurate and then further as well-delivered or poorly-delivered.

Try the template

Business Model Canvas

Use this Business Model template to develop or document your existing Business model.

See Template

Bull's Eye Diagram

Use the Bulls eye template to understand your priorities and the priorities of your team to make better decisions.

See Template

Lean UX Canvas

Lean UX is a tool that helps your team dissect and solve your business problems by hypothesis and experimentation.

See Template

KWL Chart

K: what I know W: what I wonder L: what I learned. This helps student organize information before, during and after a lesson.

See Template

2x2 Prioritization Method

2x2 Prioritization Method gives professionals and teams a visual framework to identify which projects to work on next.

See Template

5 W's and H's

Use this template to answer the 5 W and H question. What- Why-Who - When- Where- How.

See Template

Trainer Guide

This trainer guide to plan your trainings, seminars or workshops.

See Template

Likert Scale

Quickly find out why your workshop participants attitudes are toward specific statements.

See Tamplate

Strategy and Planning Templates

PEST Analysis

PEST analysis (political, economic, social, and technological) is a management method whereby an organization can assess major external factors that influence its operation in order to become more competitive in the market.

See Template

Objectives & Action Plan

The guide for the action plan, defining and communicating what the plan seeks to achieve.

See template

Strategic Plan

Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to attain strategic goals.

See template

Focus Finder

Focus Finder, a tool or technique used to help companies identify and maintain focus. Here are a few possibilities

See Template

Effort Matrix

An impact effort matrix is a tool used by project managers to help assess the potential impact and effort required for each task in a project.

See Template

Value Proposition

A value proposition is a statement that summarizes why a customer would choose your product or service. It communicates the clearest benefit that customers receive by giving you their business.

See Template

Stakeholder Analysis

Stakeholder analysis is the process of collecting information about any person that will be impacted by (or can impact) your project.

See Template

Risk Assessment Matrix

The risk assessment matrix enables you to identify specific types of risk, their probability, and their severity, and maintain a real-time view of the evolving risk environment.

See Template

Ansoff Matrix

The Ansoff matrix is a strategic planning tool that provides a framework to help executives, senior managers, and marketers devise strategies for future business growth.

See Template

BCG (growth-share) Matrix

BCG growth-share matrix is a planning tool that uses graphical representations of a company's products and services in an effort to help the company decide what it should keep, sell, or invest more in.

See Template

Strategy Diamond

A strategy diamond is a collection of the five elements forming a coherent business strategy. These five elements of strategy include Arenas, Differentiators, Vehicles, Staging, and Economic Logic.

See Template

Yearly Planner

Use this yearly planner to plan your projects, events and activities for the year.

See Template

8D Report

The 8D Report is used in many industries to standardize complaint management. It is an important component to solve problems and avoid repetition in the future.

See Template


A graphical representation of a period of time, on which important events are marked.

See Template

Monthly Planner

Use this template to plan your monthly projects.

See Template


Use this template to visualize a roadmap or a timeline.

See Template

12 Months Timeline

Use this template for your annually planning.

See Template

Weekly Planner

Use this template for your weekly planning.

See Template

Feature List

Use this template to create your feature list.

See Template

To Do List

Use this template to create your own to do list.

See Template

Agile Working 

Sailboat Retrospective

The Sailboard retrospective is a visual tool used in agile project reviews to categorize thoughts and feedback into "sails" (what propels us forward) and "anchors" (what holds us back).

See template


Reflect together with your team what is the best for the company and which are your next steps.

See Template

Quick Retrospective

Host and ad-hoc retro meeting with this simple template.

See Template

The 4L Retrospective

The 4 L Retrospective is a brainstorming technique used by project teams to review their progress and identify ways to improve moving forward.

See Template

Start-Stop-Continue Retrospective

The start stop continue Retrospective is an action oriented retrospective style generating an immediate list of practical ideas for continuous improvement.

See Template

Kanban Board

The kanban board are visual task organisational tools that help you manage your project development process.

See Template

The Golden Circle

The Golden Circle template helps you to identify your purpose.

See Template

Magic Estimation

Magic estimation is a team activity that can be used to estimate the complexity and effort of many work packages in a short time.

See Template

Story Point Matrix

A story point matrix is basically a visual representation of your story point order. It serves as the basis for your estimation meeting and gives your team a clear idea of how each task will be evaluated.

See Template

K.A.L.M Method

Use the K.A.L.M method for your retrospective. Conducting a retrospective is one of the most powerful tools for developing your team.

See Template

Starfish Retrospective

The Starfish Retrospective is a well-known and frequently used variant of a retrospective.

See Template

lessons learned

Use this template to create a report on the " lesson learned " from your project.

See Template

Icebreaker &Warm-Up Games

Football Field

Use this template football field to play around and introduce working on a shared online board to new users.

See Template

Mood Barometer

At the beginning or the end of your workshop or online meeting, access the mood of your team with mood barometer.

See Template


Use this Thesis to start a workshop or online meeting. People shall put a note or a shape in the corresponding section depend if they agree on the thesis or not.

See Template

World Map

Use this world map for the onboarding exercise " where do I come from". Ask their attendees to put a card with their name or a picture of themselves to the country where they come from.

See Template

Circle Drawing Game

Use this game for warming up your attendees before a workshop or a meeting.

See Template

Emoji Game

Answer questions with Emojis. It is a fun game to start an online workshop.

See Template

Triangle of Commonalities

This activity helps to get to know each other.

See Template

Emoji Memory

Activation exercise.

See Template

Tell me Something About You

Use this ice breaker exercise to help the participants of the meeting or the workshop to get to know each other better.

See Template

Connect 4

Use connect 4 as an activating exercise.

See Template

This or That

This or That is an icebreaker to learn more about each other while getting into action with each other.

See Template

Let's Dart

Use darts for a vote or as a mood barometer.

See Template

Monster Party. MIX and MATCH

This monster party guarantees a lot of fun and is a creative way to introduce yourself.

See Template

Brainstorming and Ideation

Reverse Brainstorming

Reverse Brainstorming is a technique that builds on our natural ability to see more easily problems than solutions.

See Template

Concept Poster

Use the concept poster to illustrate the main points of your new idea.

See Template

6-3-5 Brainwriting

Generate new, unusual ideas with this problem-solving creativity technique.

See Template

Social Media Pipeline

Plan your social media and marketing activities.

See Template


SCAMPER is a creativity brainstorming technique that helps team explore ideas from seven different perceptive.

See Template

Mind Map

Use this template to create a Mind map with shapes.

See Template



Fill out the persona template allows you to create your ideal user "types" and will help you in all decision making.

See Template

App Wireframe Tablet

App wireframe template for tablet apps.

See Template

App Wireframe Phone

App wireframe template for phone apps.

See Template

Customer Journey Map

Map your customer journey and identify how to improve it.

See Template



Use this banner for your workshop and online meetings. You can adjust the color based on your needs.

See Template

People Thinking Together

People thinking together sketch Adjust your colors based on your needs.

See Template

Sign Rectangle

Use this label for your workshop.

See Template

Sign Square

Use this sign for your workshop.

See Template

Speech Bubble

Use this speech bubble for your workshop.

See Template


Use this template to add visualization to your Whiteboard.

See Template


Use this template drawing to mark the start of your activity.

See Template


Symbolize growth with template.

See Template


Hand drawn Arrow

See Template


Use this cloud drawing for your workshop.

See Template

Community Template

Strategy Explorer

The strategy explorer is a canvas based method for strategy development.

See Template

To do's and Homework

Use this template to create your To do`s and homework.

See Template

7 Years From Now

Imagine you are on your way from the holiday seven years from now, where were you and when you think of your problems today, how did you overcome it.

See Template

Resource Box

It is time to focus on the resources of your client and showing what he/she has /got or done.

See Template


Tetralemma is a decision-making aid when you are faced with several options, and you do not know exactly what to do.

See Template

How It Could Be Worse

When your clients thinks that nothing can be done- there seems no way out of the problem, Make it worse.

See Template

Please Vote

This template gives an ideas on how to use the voting feature in Collaboard.

See Template

Graphical Toolbox

In this template, you find links to many resources where you get licences- free images to boast your Collaboard project.

See Template

Problem Basket and The First Solution

Use this template to find out which problems are the most important ones.

See Template

Sticky Note Smiley

Creative work using sticky notes.

See Template

Christmas Mood

Use this mood barometer for your Christmas meeting.

See Template


Flow Chart

A flow chart is a diagram that describes a process or operations.

See template

Service Blueprint

Visually map out the steps in your service process.

See Template

Org Chart

Use this template to map the structure of your organisation.

See Template

Site Map

Use this template to create the navigation structure of your website.

See Template

Swim Lane (Vertical)

Use this swim lane for your process flow diagrams or flowcharts.

See Template

Swim Lane (Horizontal)

Use this swim lane for your process flow diagrams or flowcharts.

See Template

Business Process Model Notation (BPMN)

Use this template and a set of icons to model your processes.

See Template

2 Axis Diagram

Display facts on two axes (X-axis, Y -axis).

See Template

3 Axis Diagram

Display facts on three axes (X-axis, Y-axis, Z-axis).

See Template

System of Coordinates

Adjust this coordinate system to your needs.

See Template

Organization Chart

Use this template to create an organizational chart.

See Template

Organisational Chart (Hierarchical)

Use this template to create a Hierarchical organisational chart.

See Template

Matrix Organisational Chart

Use this template to create a matrix template chart.

See Template

Concept Map

Use this template to create a concept map.

See Template

Collaboard Onboarding

Collaboard Onboarding

Onboarding Story.

See Template

Frame DIN A4

Use this template to design your board area in DIN A4 format. This gives the perfect size for a DIN A4 export.

See Template

Frame DIN A3

Use this Template to design your board area in DIN A3 format. This gives the perfect size for a DIN 43 export.

See Template