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Collaboard - Hosting in the Open Telekom Cloud

At Collaboard, security and data sovereignty are our top priorities. In order to meet the high requirements of authorities, educational institutions and companies in Europe, we offer hosting with the Open Telekom Cloud. This not only guarantees data storage exclusively in Germany, but also strict compliance with GDPR guidelines.

Hosting OTC

The Open Telekom Cloud, operated by Deutsche Telekom, is known for its first-class security standards and outstanding data protection measures. Through this partnership, Collaboard ensures that all data remains under European control and that no compromises are made in terms of data security.

Numerous certifications from Collaboard and the Open Telekom Cloud confirm that data security is a top priority. Among other things, the Open Telekom Cloud offers the required certificates:

  • ISO 27001
  • TISAX Level 3
  • SOC 1, 2 & 3
  • BSI C5

Organisations that trust Collaboard & the Open Telekom Cloud

Request security whitepaper for Collaboard from the Open Telekom Cloud now

Fill out the form below and we will send you our security whitepaper. In it you will find information on: 

  • Encryption methods
  • Key management
  • Back-up concept 
  • How Collaboard implements data minimisation
  • Further numerous details on how Collaboard guarantees the highest security standards.