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Collaboard - Hosting Microsoft Azure Switzerland

At Collaboard, security and data sovereignty are of the utmost importance. In order to meet the high requirements of authorities, educational institutions and companies in Switzerland, we offer hosting at Microsoft Azure Switzerland. This ensures that data is stored exclusively in Switzerland and that national and international data protection regulations are complied with.

Hosting MS Azure Schweiz

Collaboard uses Microsoft Azure's secure data centres in Switzerland to provide you with a reliable local cloud with global scaling capabilities. Your data is stored in the Switzerland North (Greater Zurich area) and Switzerland West (Greater Geneva area) regions, which guarantees the highest security and data protection standards.

Rely on the combination of Microsoft Azure's proven technology and Collaboard's innovative platform to optimise your collaboration without compromising on data protection. 

Find out more about Collaboard hosting in Microsoft Azure Switzerland

We look forward to hearing from you to tell you more about Collaboard's secure hosting in Switzerland and to answer any questions you may have.