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Great ideas work
better together.

Sketch your projects and your dreams on an unlimited canvas.
And get the job done.


Decision Making & Strategy

Swot analysis, business model canvas and more to align vision and long-term objectives. Collaboard can help you in planning your digital strategy. The infinite canvases make you able to plan like on a big digital wall.

Business Model Canvas


Transform your analog process into digital. Working on Collaboard allows you to collaborate in real-time with your team, but in a digital way. Choose the canvas, write on it, draw your thoughts and add sticky notes on this remote working software. Make your colleagues ready to work on your project.

Swot Analysis

SWOT Analysis

Focus on your project and analyze strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats by using approaches like Swot analysis, problem solving canvas and many more. You can work in real time with your team, anytime and anywhere.

Cost Benefit


With Collaboard canvas you can really perform any type of analysis. In this use case, you can conduct a Cost-Benefit analysis (CBA) that helps you better understand the pros and cons of your business activity. Thanks to this, you will be more focused on the way to go.