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Features and functions of Collaboard

Collaboard is an online whiteboard for visual collaboration. With Collaboard you can collect ideas, plan and execute your projects and gather all information on an infinitely large work surface. 

Great Minds Think Together - EN

Main Features of Collaboard

Collaboard offers a variety of whiteboard functions that will revolutionize your teamwork. Use the infinitely large whiteboard canvas for limitless creativity. Create and edit shapes, tables and documents directly on the whiteboard. Add images, videos and audio recordings to present your ideas visually and acoustically. With the powerful facilitator functions, you can create optimal digital workshop and meeting experiences - remote, hybrid and on-site. 

Infinite Canvas

Infinitely large whiteboard surface

Use an infinitely large whiteboard canvas for limitless collaboration. From the idea to the concept to the project, you can display everything on one board.  Zoom in and out for a detailed view or the big picture. 

Sticky Note

Sticky Notes

Use moderation cards in different colors and shapes to clearly structure topics or simply to brainstorm. 


Digital drawing & sketching

Write and draw digitally on the whiteboard to visualize your ideas. Use 5 different digital pens and an infinite number of colors for creative and precise sketches.



Create and use shapes for visualizations on the whiteboard.  Choose from different shapes, adjust the size and arrange them for clear visualizations.



Upload Word, Excel, PowerPoint and PDF documents and view them directly on the whiteboard. Integrate your files seamlessly into your collaboration processes.



Upload images, take them with the camera or add them via the image search. Use versatile options to integrate visual elements on your whiteboard.



Upload videos, record them with the camera or search directly on YouTube. Integrate different video content to make your whiteboard interactive and appealing.

Record Audio


Record audio directly or upload MP3 files. Use this function to integrate voice notes, instructions or discussions directly on your whiteboard.



Create and edit tables directly on the whiteboard. Organize data clearly, adjust columns and rows and use them for structured presentations and analyses. Export tables from Collaboard to Excel.



Draw lines to create connections and visualize relationships. Use them for mind maps and flowcharts to present ideas and processes in a clear and structured way.



Create comments freely on the whiteboard or attach them to elements. Mention other people in your comments to give specific feedback and comments.



Embed external content directly into your whiteboard. Seamlessly integrate websites, videos and other media to make your collaboration even more versatile and interactive.



Use over 150 templates from Collaboard and the community to get your projects off to a quick start. Find suitable layouts for meetings, brainstorming sessions and much more. Here you will find an overview of all templates in Collaboard.


Board Export

Export your whiteboard as a PDF, in various image formats or as a .csv file. Share your work results quickly and easily for better collaboration and presentations.

Mouse Movement

Mouse pointer display

Display users' mouse pointers to show their presence and activities on the whiteboard. Get a clear picture of who is working where. Mouse pointers can be activated or deactivated individually. 

Facilitator Features

Collaboard offers a variety of moderation functions to make your meetings and workshops effective. Draw participants' attention to important areas. Set timers for time-bound tasks. Use the comment function for targeted feedback. Start presentation mode to keep all participants synchronized. 


Voting and Rating

Use the voting and rating function to gather opinions and make decisions. Collect feedback directly on the whiteboard. All votes are anonymous and saved.



Set a timer to structure your meetings and set time limits for tasks. Keep your team focused and efficient by keeping track of time.

Lock Elements


Lock elements on the whiteboard to protect them from changes. Keep important content unchanged and ensure more control and clarity during collaboration.



Pin content to the whiteboard to prevent it from moving while still allowing changes. Maintain the position of important elements and still work flexibly.

Hide Elements


Show and hide objects on the whiteboard to make specific content visible. Use this function to gradually reveal new information and maintain an overview.


Presentation mode

Use the presentation mode so that all participants follow the presenter on the whiteboard. Replace screen transmissions and enable a seamless, joint presentation.

Get Attention

Get the attention of users

Draw users' attention to a specific area of the whiteboard. Focus specifically on important content and keep all or selected participants synchronized.


Focus mode

Use the focus mode to hide all elements of the user interface and concentrate fully on the content of the whiteboard. Achieve maximum productivity without distractions.

Quick Links

Quick Links

Create QuickLinks to jump to defined areas on the whiteboard quickly. Export QuickLinks as PDFs or use them for slide-like presentations in presentation mode and as handouts (Quick Links are similar to Frames and Sections you might know from other Whiteboard tools).

Start View

Set start view

Set a start view to define the area that users see first when they open the whiteboard. Provide a structured and clear introduction to your content.

Whiteboard Management Functions

Collaboard offers extensive whiteboard management features to optimize collaboration in your team and ensure maximum security.

Manage access rights in detail, use the activity log to track changes, save and restore different versions, organize whiteboards in rooms and tag them for easy organization and findability. With these tools, you stay in control and ensure a structured and efficient working environment.

Activity Logbook-1

Activity logbook

Use the activity logbook to track all actions and changes on the whiteboard. Keep track of user contributions and ensure transparency and traceability. Switch the logbook on or off as required. 



Save and restore different versions of the whiteboard. Use versioning to track changes and return to previous states at any time.

Background Color

Background color

Freely customize the background color of the whiteboard. Choose the perfect color to highlight your ideas and create a pleasant working environment. If you choose a dark background, Collaboard automatically switches to dark mode. 


Invite people

Invite other people to collaborate on your whiteboard. Invite them as registered users or as guests (free of charge & without registration) and define what rights they have on the board.


Permission management

Manage the rights on the whiteboard: Assign moderation rights, editor rights or viewer rights. Control who can change, add or only view content.



Create and manage rooms to organize whiteboards for teams. Control access rights centrally and keep track of collaboration within your team.



Add tags to whiteboards to make them easier to organize and quicker to find. Use tags to categorize your projects efficiently and keep track of them.


Collaboard allows customers to make various customizations to meet the individual requirements of your company.

From the integration of your own logo and color scheme to the definition of default values to the deactivation of guest users and the integration of your own data protection disclaimer. Further customizations are available on request to provide a whiteboard solution that is perfectly tailored to your needs.



Use the branding function to define your own logo, app colors and standard colors for cards, shapes and text. Customize the whiteboard to match your corporate identity.
Enabledisable feature

Enable / Disable Features

Activate or deactivate functions in Collaboard according to your needs and data protection regulations. Customize the available tools to create a secure and tailored working environment.
_Customer Data Security

Custom Data Security Disclaimer

Create your own data protection disclaimer and inform users which data may and may not be used on the whiteboard. Ensure clarity and security when it comes to data protection.
Customer Duration

Custom Duration for Sharing Links

Decide for yourself which default values for the validity period of invitation links to whiteboards are available to your users. Adapt the settings flexibly to your security requirements.
Disable guest users

Disable Guest Users

Deactivate guest users to ensure that only registered users can collaborate on the whiteboard. Guarantee 100% security and control over access to your content.

Hosting Options

Collaboard offers flexible hosting options in the cloud and on-premises to ensure maximum security and data protection.

Open Telekom Cloud Germany

Open Telekom Cloud (Germany)

Benefit from 100% data sovereignty in Europe with hosting by Deutsche Telekom, which does not use any US providers. This version guarantees reduced user tracking to an absolute minimum to protect your privacy.
Microsoft Azure Cloud Europe

Microsoft Azure Cloud (Netherlands)

Choose hosting with Microsoft Azure Holland for the most cost-effective version of Collaboard. Buy directly with your credit card and still benefit from the highest level of data protection. Your data is stored securely and user tracking is kept to a minimum.
Microsoft Azure Cloud Switzerland

Microsoft Azure Cloud (Switzerland)

board with hosting at Microsoft Azure Switzerland, where all data is stored in Switzerland. This version ensures that your data is secure and protected, while user tracking is kept to a minimum.


Host Collaboard yourself and gain full control over all data. With the on-premises solution, you can even run Collaboard air-gapped to ensure maximum security and isolation. Ideal for companies with the highest data protection requirements.


Collaboard follows the philosophy that the whiteboard can be used wherever your users work together. Whether in a chat solution, during a video conference or in a comprehensive collaboration tool - Collaboard integrates seamlessly into your existing working environment. This allows you to work on your ideas and projects efficiently and flexibly, regardless of which platform you use.

Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams

Integrate Collaboard seamlessly into Microsoft Teams. Add whiteboards directly in channels as a tab, start a whiteboard during an MS Teams call or use Collaboard as a standalone app in Microsoft Teams.  The MS Teams integration supports all Collaboard hosting options (including on-premises)
Cisco Webex

Cisco Webex

Easily integrate Collaboard into Cisco Webex. Add whiteboards directly into Webex spaces as a tab, start a whiteboard during a Webex call or use Collaboard as a standalone app in Cisco Webex. 


Use Collaboard directly in Pexip's highly secure video conferencing solution. Start a whiteboard during a Pexip call and work together on ideas and projects in real time. Increase the efficiency and security of your video conferences.


Use Collaboard directly in Nextcloud via a plugin. Integrate whiteboards seamlessly into your Nextcloud environment and gain access to Collaboard's wide range of functions.


Start Collaboard directly from Rocket.Chat. Seamlessly integrate whiteboards into your chat environment and allow you to jump directly from conversations to a whiteboard.


Embed Collaboard whiteboards directly into the Jira interface. Seamlessly integrate visual collaboration into your project management and facilitate the planning and tracking of tasks and projects. 


Embed Collaboard whiteboards directly into the Confluence interface. Seamlessly integrate visual collaboration into your documentation and knowledge management. 
_API for your own integrations

PUblic API for your own integrations

Use the Collaboard Public APIs to create your own integrations. Extend the functionality of Collaboard and customize it to your needs. Enable seamless connections to your existing systems and work processes.