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Why it is worth using an Online Whiteboard

If interactivity leads to satisfaction, only our online whiteboard can be involved. But what does one have to do with the other? 

The digital whiteboard brings all the elements of a workshop kit with it: Post-It's, scissors, glue & Co. - only as feather-light pixels. These elements can then be used by all participants without it becoming chaotic, but on the contrary: the meeting is designed efficiently.

People want to participate, and the online whiteboard promotes this culture of participation. Existing inhibitions from the past about doing one's part are reduced. As a result, endless monologues are stopped, communication is no longer one-sided and a joint "product" in the form of an individual board is created. Early on, an increase in motivation becomes noticeable. A momentum results, which gives people satisfaction through productivity and makes them even more satisfied and productive (Flow Experience by Csikszentmihalyi, 1975, 1999). 

The need for innovation among people, companies, educational institutions, and professionals in the public sector is growing, and not only due to the pandemic. In this blog entry, we explain on the basis of various aspects why the use of an online whiteboard is worthwhile and illustrate this with the case study of a meeting.

  • Interactivity & Satisfaction

There are many psychological effects caused by the use of an online whiteboard. All participants get a good overview of the topic of a meeting and become more involved. They think along more actively and thus internalize the topic better.

Who doesn't know the effect? As a driver's license candidate, you know roughly how a car works. But once you have your driver's license, you can have a much better say because you are more familiar with the subject matter. The more people now think along, the more horsepower the project gets. Consequences and consequences of a meeting result can be better estimated, since one stands as a participant behind the result and is interlaced with the topic.

"Tell me and I will forget [...]. Show it to me, and I may keep it [...]. Involve me, and I will understand." (according to Confucius 551 - 470 BC).

  • Involvement & Overview

The good overview also makes it easier to follow up on the next meeting, also because the level of knowledge has been internalized beforehand. Some enthusiastic users have even reported how their project has really taken on a run of its own. Teachers had their students create information material that was so good in the end that other students could use it to study for their school-leaving exams.

Another plus point at this point for the featherweight pixels, since you don't have to laboriously search for the material together again, but can find everything bundled directly in one place at the push of a button. Likewise, the online whiteboard contains structure and keeps the interest. The dynamic emergence of your product and the given flexibility convince in the process.

  • Intuition & Usability

The presentation of the elements and what you can do with them bring some advantages. The credo in a nutshell: simple, intuitive and comprehensible.

An example - the meeting protocol. This is already created during the meeting and is filled with liveliness. That which previously might have raised doubts: How can chaos be prevented? Based on the content that people write on Post-Its, for example, orderly, focused discussions emerge. The prepared board keeps everyone focused on the common goal. (Check out one of our webinars for tips & tricks)




Complex issues can be presented well on the online whiteboard, not only because of the variety of forms or templates, but also because of the possibility of collecting different media in one place without suffering a media break. Technical problems, changing the medium or having to pull out documents during the meeting are a thing of the past. This means that, for example, a video can appear next to a table, with its summary in a Word document directly below it. Now it is slowly becoming clear that "I can also create minutes in Word" can be compared to "I'm driving a Bobbycar on the highway".

  • Innovation & Time

While we are on the subject of speed and time: When you make a text document as minutes, the work process is interrupted. In addition, the online whiteboard allows a series of appointments to be completed more quickly, proving to be efficient. Employees do not have to be on site. Participation across distances is possible without any problems, business trips are no longer necessary. Thus, the appointment making process is greatly simplified.

In summary:
Why should I use an online whiteboard? It's efficient, convenient, intuitive, environmentally conscious, dynamic and innovative.

Legitimate counter question: Why shouldn't I use it?

Here is a brief FAQ overview:

  • I can also do this with a Word template.
    • If you have fun with the Bobbycar.

  • I prefer to have it for real, when we're all together.
    • A social interaction on a higher level is created, see above: Csikszentmihalyi's flow experience. And who says that this only works remotely? For hybrid or offline meetings, Collaboard is a profitable addition. We wouldn't give up coffee chats, either. Check out this article.

  • What's the point if we're not in the home office?
    • The system should perhaps initially only supplement and not yet replace. You can still pull your Bobbycar behind.

  • You have to get back into the swing of things and learn the ropes.
  • Computers consume electricity.
    • ... Yes, overhead projectors too and paper for handouts kills trees. One has considerably less organizational effort with illustrative material and is much more cost & environmentally friendly on the road.

  • Time can be lost due to the onboarding process or time spent learning the tool.
    • Fact, but this is only initially so until it has played itself after a short while. Let's face it, I operate the thing from bed via cell phone. Apart from that, this time pays for itself very quickly, as preparation and follow-up time are reduced compared to previous methods, and regular travel time may even be eliminated.

  • The use is perceived as "different", the writing feeling is no longer the same.
    • Practice makes perfect. It's definitely worth it for the benefits.

  • We have always done it that way.
    • Really??


The arguments are also correct and important, yet the advantages cannot be dismissed as they strongly outweigh them (see above: efficient, convenient, intuitive, environmentally conscious, dynamic and innovative).

We would be happy to provide you with a non-binding test version and you can see for yourself what else you need.

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