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Interview with Felix Krol from Deutsche GigaNetz about Collaboard

Michael: Hello Felix, thank you for taking the time for an interview about your experiences with the Online Whiteboard Collaboard. 

Michael: Felix, what is your role at Deutsche GigaNetz?

Felix: My work is in the field of IT, especially in data management, which means in-depth work with data and SQL

Michael: What is Deutsche GigaNetz, and what sets you apart?

Felix: In Germany, Deutsche GigaNetz operates its own quality-oriented fiber optic network expansion right into the home (FttH - Fiber to the Home). The company is thus making a significant contribution to the digitalization of Germany by providing the necessary infrastructure.

With a clear focus on self-service expansion, the company's goal is to build fiber optics throughout municipalities and cities.


Felix Krol - IT Data Engineer

"We opted for Collaboard as a flexible solution for process development that can integrate different opinions and approaches."

"Collaboard has made our workshops more structured and effective, allowing us to work in a more targeted way and achieve results."

DGN Image

Michael: What tools do you use for digital collaboration?

Felix: We rely entirely on Microsoft tools, especially Microsoft Teams for collaboration. 

Michael: Why did you decide to use an online whiteboard?

Felix: As a flexible solution for process development that can integrate different opinions and approaches.

Michael: How did you go about the evaluation and selection process?

Felix: After drawing up a catalog of requirements, we compared various providers and took a close look at the different tools in order to rule out any data protection concerns. 

Michael: How did you decide on Collaboard and what were the main reasons?

Felix: A decisive factor was that Collaboard was rated very highly in our list of requirements. The personal contact and direct support from your Collaboard service team was particularly important to us. 

The ability to quickly incorporate individual wishes and requirements clearly distinguishes Collaboard from larger providers, where such requests often get lost in long waiting lists. 

Another crucial point was the full GDPR compliance of your solution.

Michael: Were there any challenges during the introduction of Collaboard?

Felix: The introduction was relatively easy, the software is very clear and well structured. 

The initial challenge was license management and the login procedure. Thanks to the integration with Microsoft SSO, both were considerably simplified.

Michael: How was Collaboard received in the company?

Felix: After certification by our IT department, Collaboard was quickly accepted and widely used, not only in process management, but also in other areas such as marketing and requirements management.

Michael: How do you use Collaboard?

Felix: We use Collaboard for process development, further development workshops and to structure responsibilities as well as for the design of mockups. 

Michael: Do you have a favorite feature in Collaboard?

Felix: I particularly appreciate the export function to share work results quickly, as well as the rooms function for specific teams or projects.

Michael: What effect did Collaboard have on your collaboration?

Felix: Collaboard has made our workshops more structured and effective, allowing us to work in a more targeted way and achieve results.

Michael: Finally, if you had one wish for Collaboard, what would it be?

Felix: I'm looking forward to the new integration with Teams and the AD integration, those are my biggest wishes.

Michael: Thank you, Felix, for your time and the valuable insights on why you chose Collaboard as the central whiteboard tool and how you are currently using Collaboard at Deutsche GigaNetz. 

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