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What's new at Collaboard?

We are pleased to introduce you to the latest features of the Collaboard spring update. 

⏲️25.04.2024 16:00 - 16:45

In this webinar, we'll show you what we've been working on over the last few months and how Collaboard is evolving.

Highlights are the new table, improved export functions, simplified and extended branding, and the numerous small improvements that make day-to-day work with Collaboard more pleasant. 


  • Brief introduction to Collaboard: To begin with, we'll give an overview of Collaboard and its core features to ensure everyone is on the same page.

  • New tables: We show you what you can do with the new table, from simple creation and dynamic customization to importing and exporting to other formats. We highlight use cases such as annual planning, Kanban boards, project timelines, and the new templates based on the table object.

  • Improved export functions: Learn how to easily and quickly create a well-organized PDF handout from the whiteboard, how the new export options such as SVG, JPG, and TIFF work, and what their added value is. 

  • UX optimizations: Experience what has become easier and more intuitive in Collaboard, such as optimizing the comment function, improved grouping, easier object selection, and the new function to crop images directly on the board. We will also show you how easy it is to use your own branding in Collaboard and what this includes. 

  • New possibilities for integrations: Learn how to use Collaboard optimally in the video conferencing solutions from Microsoft Teams, Webex, and Pexip. We will show you live the progress we have made here and how you can use the new integration apps. 

  • Collaboard Roadmap: Things remain exciting at Collaboard. Find out first-hand from our co-founder Michael Görög which features are coming next and how you can participate in our beta tester program. 

Sign up now; we look forward to seeing you!

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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