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Mastering the challenges of online meetings and workshops

Successfully onboard online meeting and workshop participants to create high engagement and a good working atmosphere

Coaching, training, and workshops are happening predominantly online nowadays. This puts you as an organizer in a challenging situation: Success depends very much on the commitment of the participants, a good working atmosphere, and a trustful exchange.

The physical separation of the participants makes this difficult, but Collaboard - as GDPR compliant online whiteboard software - can support you creatively and playfully, for example in the crucial onboarding of the participants. Watch this webcast to find out how to do it. 

We introduce you to the following topics that can take your online meetings and workshops to the next level:

  • Advantages of an online whiteboard
  • Facilitator tools
  • Best practices for the preparation
  • Examples of onboarding and ice-breaker exercises

Watch now the webcast "Mastering the challenges of online meetings and workshops with Collaboard" here: 

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