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Webinar: Effective Workshops with Collaboard

🗓 2nd of July, 2024  🕓 4 pm - 5 pm CET

Are you ready to elevate your meetings and workshops to the next level? Join us for an engaging webinar where we focus on leveraging Collaboard to create and conduct impactful workshops and meetings. This session is perfect for facilitators, team leaders, and anyone involved in organizing collaborative events.

What You Will Learn:

  • Preparation: Learn how to effectively set up your workshop or meeting using Collaboard, including agenda planning and resource organization.
  • Execution: Discover best practices for running a successful workshop with Collaboard. This includes using ice-breaker games, organizing group activities, and managing break out boards to keep participants engaged and productive.
  • Post-Workshop: Gain insights into what to do after your workshop to ensure follow-up actions are clear and outcomes are documented.

Why Attend?

  • Comprehensive Guide: Get a step-by-step guide on how to use Collaboard for all stages of your workshop or meeting.
  • Interactive Experience: Participate in live demonstrations and practical examples to see these techniques in action.
  • Expert Advice: Receive tips and tricks from experienced facilitators and Collaboard experts to enhance your workshop facilitation skills.

Whether you're new to Collaboard or looking to refine your workshop facilitation techniques, this webinar will provide you with the tools and knowledge to run effective and engaging sessions.

Register Now: Secure your spot today. We look forward to helping you create successful meetings and workshops with Collaboard!


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