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Collaboard Authentication - Single Sign On

Collaboard is highly flexible in terms of authentication mechanisms. You can configure Collaboard and decide which authentication providers are allowed on your login page.

This way, your users could be able to log in either with a username/password stored in Collaboard or with their existing accounts.

We have authentication providers that allow you to connect to:

  • Office 365
  • Google
  • Apple
  • Microsoft Active Directory via ADFS
  • Your organization authentication protocol via SAML or OpenID Connect

SSO provides a seamless experience for users when using your applications and services. Instead of remembering separate sets of credentials for each application or service, users can log in once and access your full suite of applications.

Supported Authentication Protocols


Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is aprotocol that is widely used in SSO implementations. SAML exchange authorization and authentication data in XML format; the main parts of this exchange are the user, the identity provider, and the service provider. 

With SAML: 

  1. A user requests a resource from the service provider. 
  2. The service provider checks with the identity provider to see if the user should have access to the resource. 
  3. The identity provider verifies the user's identity, and if valid, asserts back to the service provider that the user should have access. 

OpenID Connect 

OpenID Connect (OIDC) is an authentication protocol commonly used in consumer-facing SSO implementations. The OIDC protocol handles authentication through JSON Web Tokens and a central identity provider. 

With OIDC: 

  1. A user requests access to an application. 
  2. The application redirects the user to the identity provider for authentication. 
  3. The identity provider verifies the user, and if successful, prompts the user to grant data access to the application. 
  4. If access is granted, the identity provider generates an ID Token, which contains user identity information that the application can consume. 
  5. The identity provider returns the user to the application 

Learn more about Collaboard's Single-Sing-On options

If you want to download a document that describes the integration of external identity providers into Collaboard and user authorization Please fill the form below.