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Collaboard & AllStarTeams - Talent Management using the whiteboard

We are excited to introduce our latest offering, AllStarTeams, on Collaboard. This talent management toolset provides leadership with a fresh approach to empowering employees and project teams through a proven strength-based methodology.

AllStarTeams employs whiteboards experientially, with trained facilitators guiding participants on a journey from "Me" to "We" to "All." It’s an outstanding solution to the challenges of hybrid work in the post-pandemic era. By using AllStarTeams, participants enhance self-efficacy, psychological safety, and trust, resulting in immediate communication, collaboration, and productivity improvements. 

Collaboard seamlessly integrates the complete AllStarTeams toolset, which is modular and allows clients to tailor their approach to meet specific goals and scheduling requirements. The toolkit includes a holistic strengths-based self-assessment and a range of scaffolded exercises on unique whiteboard templates for individual growth, team building, and organizational talent mapping. The overall experience is time-boxed and requires approximately six hours per participant over two weeks. Training for qualified facilitators is straightforward and fast. 

The AllStarTeams experience is highly visual and specifically designed to leverage whiteboard’s creative capacity. Indeed, this methodology affirms "imagination" as a core strength that participants express in the digital artifacts they co-create. The more participants that benefit from the experience the more organization's “Constellation” whiteboard grows, allowing managers and workers to visualize their diverse individual and collective strengths effortlessly. The Constellation template is interactive, enabling managers to build cognitively diverse teams or fill a vacant spot quickly. 

At Collaboard, data safety and compliance are of utmost importance, and we are proud to offer this valuable resource to our users. If you want to learn more about AllStarTeams and how it can provide the positive support your employees need, please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be delighted to provide further information. Please fill out the form below: 


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